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Past events 2005

Zürich   08.12.2005

Besser als Struts, maechtiger als JSF - das OLAT-Framework

SPEAKER: Felix Jost   COMPANY: JGS goodsolutions GmbH

Für die Portierung von OLAT (Online Learning And Training), einem preisgekrönten Open Source eLearning Management System in Java, wurden mehrere Web Frameworks evaluiert. Da keines dieser Frameworks die hohen Anforderungen erfüllen konnte, wurde ein eigenes Framework entwickelt, welches die Vorzüge und best-practices der existierenden Frameworks in sich vereint. Das Framework erlaubt die schnelle Entwicklung von generischen und wiederverwendbaren Workflows und ermöglicht es - neben vielen weiteren Features - den Code der Web Applikation in gewohnter "Swing"-manier zu schreiben.
OLAT geniesst eine immer grössere Verbreitung und kann mittlerweile Installationen mit über 10'000 Usern vorweisen.
In dieser Präsentation werden die Design- und Architektur-Entscheide des Frameworks erläutert und auf die Lessons Learned der Entwicklung dieser komplexen Web Applikation eingegangen. Eine online Entwicklungsdemo wird die Stärken dieses Frameworks aufzeigen.
Der Vortrag wird in Deutsch gehalten, die Folien sind auf Englisch.


Zürich   24.11.2005


on Open Standards/Open Source Database Systems

SPEAKER: Akmal B. Chaudhri   COMPANY: IBM Developer Skills Program

This presentation will show how to develop and deploy database applications using Cloudscape/Apache Derby. IBM donated Cloudscape to the open source community in 2004, and more than 80 IBM products use Cloudscape for its portability, ease of deployment, open standards-based Java engine, small footprint, and more. After an overview of Cloudscape/Derby, you will learn how to use it from the command line, as an embedded system and as a network server. The database system can also be used from within Eclipse through plugins, which will also be demonstrated.


Zürich   21.11.2005

Web Services Management for SOA:

Secure and Manage your Web Services

SPEAKER: Marc Stampfli   COMPANY: Oracle (Schweiz) GmbH

In recent years, most large companies have deployed dozens of Web Services in a move toward Service-Oriented Architectures.


Zürich   03.11.2005

Building Cutting-edge Applications

with Business Rules Technology


For many applications, business rules - the part of an application that actually automates business policies, procedures and processes - is simply too variable and dynamic to be effectively managed as application source code. Effective management involves the use of a business rule management system. This presentation explains what a BRMS is and where it comes from. After a demonstration that shows the idea and presents the Eclipse-Plugin the presenter will share several lessons learned and best practices from the experiences of early adopters of the technology.


Zürich   01.11.2005

Transaktionsmanagement und O/R-Mapping

mit dem Spring Framework

SPEAKER: Juergen Hoeller   COMPANY: Interface21

Spring's Transaktionsabstraktion stellt einen zentralen Teil des Frameworks dar und ist weitgehend einzigartig, da sie Transaktionsdemarkation (deklarative Proxies, Annotations, programmatisch) strikt vom Backend-Transaktionsmanagement (JDBC, JTA, etc) trennt.


Zürich   10.10.2005


Best Practices

SPEAKER: Markus Völter   COMPANY: freiberuflicher Berater

Die Verwendung von MDA "wie sie im Buche steht" ist heutzutage mangels Tools noch nicht so ohne weiteres möglich. Diese Session wird daher basierend auf der Erfahrung mehrerer Projekte in verschiedenen Domänen eine kleine Sammlung essentieller Do's and Don'ts vorstellen, die die praktische Arbeit mit MDA ermöglichen. Dazu zählen u.a. kaskadierende Domänenarchitekturen, Aspektorientierte Modellierung, Arbeit im Team und Versionierung sowie einige Aspekte der Toolauswahl.


Zürich   13.09.2005

Recent trends in MDE:

Principles, Standards, Platforms and Applications

SPEAKER: Jean Bézivin   COMPANY: University of Nantes, France

Many projects, like the European ModelWare IP, are currently investigating the applicability of Model Driven Engineering (MDE) to change the current practices of software development and maintenance.
The presentation will discuss recent trends in MDE related to principles, standards, platforms and applications. The concepts of systems, models and technical spaces will be shown to found the basis of this new proposal together with the relations of "representation" and "conformance". The presentation will emphasize two current interpretations of MDE, one based on a monolithic unifed formalism like UML 2.0 and the other one based on a variety of small well focused metamodels, each defining a given DSL (Domain Specific Language). Advantages and drawbacks of each method will be discussed.


Zürich   05.09.2005


A fundamental break in the history of technology

SPEAKER: James Gosling   COMPANY: Sun Microsystems


Zürich   30.08.2005


for the JEE


The benefits of the JEE (Java Enterprise Edition, formerly J2EE) can be fostered through suitable JEE extension frameworks. After a few years of proprietary JEE enteprise frameworks, JEE frameworks are becoming a commodity.
The open-source Spring framework has gained a lot of momentum, and seems to become a standard choice. This talk discusses spring, including its concepts, such as dependency injection, interception, templates, remoting, and its data access abstractions. We then continue with benefits of spring and how it is used in an IT services company.


Zürich   30.06.2005

Write once, test everywhere!
Plattformübergreifende Automatisierung

von GUI Tests

SPEAKER: Gregor Schmid   COMPANY: Quality First Software GmbH

Diversen Entwicklungsumgebungen - insbesondere für Java - mit deren Hilfe sich ausgezeichnet auf und für verschiedene Plattformen entwickeln lässt stehen gerade auf der GUI Ebene nur wenige plattformübergreifende Testwerkzeuge gegenüber.


Zürich   07.06.2005

An Integrated Platform

for Location-based Services

SPEAKER: Corinne Kassapoglou Faist   COMPANY: Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM)

In the context of a EU project, an integrated platform that caters for the full range of issues related to location-based services (service development, deployment and provisioning) has been developed and demonstrated. The platform serves as an execution environment for service instances, integrates various positioning systems (GPS, GSM-based, WLAN-based), and supports multiple end-user intefaces. In addition, a service creation environment enables high-level service specification in an XML-based language, service deployment and testing. The platform is based on open technologies, mainly J2EE and Web Services. The service creation envitronment is based on the Eclipse Project.


Zürich   26.05.2005

Resource Management

in J2SE Applications

SPEAKER: Martin Kernland   COMPANY: Whitestein Technologies AG

Building robust and stable applications has always been a challenge. It is not uncommon that Java developers blindly rely on the garbage collector to clean up the heap memory. Even if memory leaks are avoided, a lot of out-of-memory errors can occur because new objects are created carelessly and then consume all the available memory. Heap memory is just one type of resource that is usually not addressed properly, other resources include CPU cycles, file handles, network connections, etc. In order to build robust and stable applications, the developer must deal with the management of these resources. This area is generally referred to as Resource Management.


Basel   27.04.2005

HTML based UI framework evaluation;

What really matters to an enterprise company

SPEAKER: Marianne Schmid   COMPANY: Credit Suisse

In den letzten Jahren wurden in der Credit Suisse stetig neue HTML User Interfaces erstellt; neue Anwendungsgebiete aber auch häufig Ersatz für bestehende Terminal Applikationen.


Zürich   31.03.2005

The Java Data Objects (JDO) Standard

Overview and Future

SPEAKER: Michael Vorburger   COMPANY: Vertical*i

In a first part, Michael will briefly outline the history of object persistence, in particular in the Java space, and then present the Java Data Object persistence standard API. No prerequisite knowledge will be assumed.
In a second part, we will look at recent events such as the JDO 2.0/JSR 243 story and EJB 3.0/JSR 220, and what they may mean for the future of persistence technologies in the Java space.
The first part will likely follow the structure of and use some examples from his book "Core Java Data Objects".


Zürich   23.03.2005

Orchestrating Web Services

with the Oracle BPEL Process Manager for Eclipse

SPEAKER: Daniel Roberts   COMPANY: Oracle Corporation

BPEL is emerging as the standard for assembling a set of discrete services into an end-to-end process flow, radically reducing the cost and complexity of process integration initiatives. Oracle BPEL Process Manager offers a comprehensive and easy-to-use infrastructure for creating, deploying and managing BPEL business processes.


Zürich   27.01.2005


Testing Java phones all day and all night long

SPEAKER 1: Anders Fornander   COMPANY: Esmertec AG
SPEAKER 2: Nicolas Wettstein   COMPANY: Esmertec AG

The eQATor system is a fully automated software testing environment build by Esmertec for testing its Jbed™ CLDC product line - one of the leading Java™ runtime-embedded platforms for mobile phones. On a daily basis, eQATor currently builds 50 variants of the Jbed™ CLDC product, executes over 50'000 different test cases, runs 7 benchmark suite on various platforms, and parses and stores all results for online web based reporting. The core of eQATor is a highly scalable job distribution engine build on the open source STAF framework. In this way, additional machines can be added anytime to the test farm if new platforms or additional test case ask for more computing power.


Zürich   18.01.2005


Umgesetzt in einem realen komplexen Bahnprojekt

SPEAKER: Christian Bühler   COMPANY: KnowGravity Inc.

MDA ist nun schon seit einiger Zeit ein Schlagwort und viele Tool-Hersteller haben ihre Werkzeuge in diese Richtung ausgebaut. Einige Vorträge mit diesem Thema sind bereits in JUGS präsentiert worden: Warum also einen weiteren?



Supporting members







JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.

JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.




Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich

© Java User Group Switzerland