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Past events 2008

Zürich   11.12.2008

Software Development für Mobile Plattformen:

Android und iPhone

SPEAKER: Stefan Tramm   COMPANY: Netcetera AG

KEYWORDS: Lessons learned, Technology, Tools

Nachdem viele Jahre die Java basierte JME Umgebung den Standard für mobile Plattformen dargestellt hat, sind im Jahr 2008 zwei neue und vielversprechende Plattformen hinzugekommen. Zum einen ist Apples iPhone für Entwickler geöffnet worden und zum anderen hat die Open Handset Alliance mit Android eine offene Plattform vorgestellt.


Windisch   03.12.2008


Experience Day

SPEAKER 1: Dominik Gruntz   COMPANY: Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
SPEAKER 2: Andreas Hölzl   COMPANY: Canoo Engineering AG
SPEAKER 3: Markus Pilz, Peter Wlodarczak   COMPANY: Greenliff AG
SPEAKER 4: Jörg Pleumann   COMPANY: Noser Engineering AG
SPEAKER 5: Reto Grob   COMPANY: Swisscom
SPEAKER 6: Stefan Tramm, Patrick Bönzli   COMPANY: Netcetera AG

Das neue Google Handy ist lanciert und die neue offene Android Plattform des Handys hat bereits eine grosse Entwicklergemeinde entstehen lassen. Was verbirgt sich jedoch hinter der neuen Plattform? Wie sehen die neuen Entwicklungskonzepte aus, wie kann ich Applikationen für das neue Handy entwickeln?


Zürich   11.11.2008


Clustering and Monitoring-Suite

SPEAKER 1: Heiko W. Rupp   COMPANY: Red Hat
SPEAKER 2: Bela Ban   COMPANY: JBoss - a division of Red Hat

KEYWORDS: Tools, Lessons learned, Technology

JBoss ON is the current version of the JBoss management and monitoring suite. It is built on top of the open source RHQ project. While it looks at first glance, that JBoss ON and RHQ are only a fit for JBoss products, this is not true, as it can easily be extended by plugins for arbitrary other usages


Zürich   27.10.2008

Enterprise Portals

in 2009

SPEAKER: Janus Boye   COMPANY: J. Boye - vendor-neutral

KEYWORDS: Research, Concept, Technology

Going into 2009 the portal marketplace is in flux, as older technologies and platforms become deprecated while new use cases around social computing emerge. Meanwhile, the rise of Microsoft SharePoint has led to divergent reactions among traditional enterprise portal suppliers – like IBM, Oracle, and SAP – while open source portal projects continue to expand vigorously.


Zürich   21.10.2008


für revolutionäre Webanwendungen

SPEAKER: Micha Kiener   COMPANY: mimacom ag

KEYWORDS: Technology, Tools

Web 2.0 Anwendungen, Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Ajax sind heute Themen, die bereits in der Enterprise Application Entwicklung Fuss gefasst haben. Ajax-Push (auch bekannt unter dem Namen Comet oder Reverse-Ajax) bringen neue, revolutionäre Möglichkeiten für Web-Applikations-Interaktionen.
Diese Session bringt eine grundlegende Einführung ins Asynchrone Web und Collaboration, erklärt die zugrunde liegenden Technologien und Protokolle, die Herausforderungen für Application Servers und die heute für Entwickler verfügbaren Technologien. Der Talk wird mit vielen Praxistipps, Demos und Beispielen abgerundet. Besucher bekommen die Informationen, die sie benötigen, um Collaboration und Notification Features zu Webapplikationen hinzuzufügen.


Zürich   30.09.2008


and logback projects


KEYWORDS: Tools, Lessons learned

SLF4J is a logging abstraction gaining wide acceptance in the Java community. Logback is the successor of the log4j project. The talk will present both SLF4J and logback projects.


Zürich   29.09.2008

Does Swiss IT Matter?

Perspektiven des Informatikstandorts Schweiz

SPEAKER 1: Stephan Hug   COMPANY: Credit Suisse
SPEAKER 2: Daniel Niklaus   COMPANY: netlive IT AG
SPEAKER 3: Martin Neff   COMPANY: Credit Suisse
SPEAKER 4: Paul Brodmann   COMPANY: CBA Computer Brainware Advisors AG
SPEAKER 5: Claude Honegger   COMPANY: Credit Suisse
SPEAKER 6: George Sheldon   COMPANY: Universität Basel
SPEAKER 7: Stephan Klapproth   COMPANY: Moderator und Dozent

Im Zentrum der Tagung stehen die Fragen nach der aktuellen Bedeutung und den Perspektiven der IT-Branche für den Wirtschaftsstandort Schweiz.
In einem kompakten Programm wird der IT-Standort aus mehreren Perspektiven beleuchtet. Beschaffungsstrategien auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, die Konjunkturentwicklung, Arbeitsmarktproblematiken und die Gehaltsentwicklung werden thematisiert. Was die Erfordernisse für die Zukunft sind, beleuchten fachlich kompetente und engagierte Referenten. Im Anschluss an die von Stefan Klapproth moderierte Schlussdiskussion gibt es einen Networking-Apéro.


Rapperswil   09.09.2008

Workshop-Tage 2008

mit /ch/open


Zürich   27.08.2008

Spring 2.5

auf dem Weg nach 3.0

SPEAKER 1: Jürgen Höller   COMPANY: SpringSource
SPEAKER 2: Eberhard Wolff   COMPANY: SpringSource
SPEAKER 3: Peter Welkenbach   COMPANY: Trivadis AG

KEYWORDS: Technology, Product

Spring 2.5 führte bereits das zentrale Thema "Configuration Annotations" in die Spring-Welt ein. Nun befindet sich Spring auf dem Sprung zur Version 3.0, wobei erstmals das gesamte Framework auf Java 5 aufbaut.


Zürich   25.08.2008

Agile Projektleitung mit Scrum


SPEAKER: Peter Stevens   COMPANY: Sierra Charlie Consulting

KEYWORDS: Methods, Lessons learned

Scrum gehört zu den führenden agilen Entwicklungsmethoden, wie auch XP Extreme Programming oder Lean und gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Scrum wird vor allem in vielen Java Projekten eingesetzt und ist bei Java-Entwicklern und Java-Projektleitern sehr beliebt. Aber was ist Scrum? Wie funktioniert es? Was ist anders bei Scrum als bei anderen Frameworks? Ist Scrum etwas für mich oder meine Firma? Eine Einführung und Entscheidungshilfe.


Zürich   07.07.2008

Rich Internet Applications

with Flex and Java

SPEAKER: James Ward   COMPANY: Adobe

KEYWORDS: Product, Tools

This session will provide numerous live coding examples which will teach you how to build RIAs with Flex and Java. Flex is an Open Source RIA development toolkit which can easily be connected to a Java back-end via Web Services or the Open Source BlazeDS product. Come and learn how to build RIAs with Flex and Java.


Zürich   02.06.2008

Eclipse Verticals:

From Open Source Consumption to Creation

SPEAKER: Ralph Mueller   COMPANY: Eclipse Foundation Inc.

KEYWORDS: Concept, Technology

Open Source Software is commonly understood as free and easy to access commodity. But we see an increasing trend in vertical industries such as banking, insurance and systems engineering to use the Open Source community paradigm to collaboratively develop, maintain and distribute software.


Zürich   29.05.2008


for Mobile Devices

SPEAKER 1: Dierk König   COMPANY: Canoo Engineering AG
SPEAKER 2: Peter Wlodarczak, Markus Pilz   COMPANY: Greenliff

KEYWORDS: Technology, Tools

Since the 2007 JavaOne conference, the JavaFX Script technology-based application MusicPinboard has been justifiably cited by many (including Sun) as a significant demonstration of the power of JavaFX Script technology as well as a radical improvement over Java technology in terms of developer productivity.


Zürich   21.05.2008

Rational Team Concert und die Jazz-Platform:

Architektur, Verwendung und Zukunft

SPEAKER: Erich Gamma   COMPANY: IBM Research GmbH - IBM Rational Zurich Research Lab

KEYWORDS: Concept, Tools, Lessons learned

Rational Team Concert ermöglicht Transparenz über den gesamten Entwicklungsprozess. Es erlaubt Teams, Prozesse zu definieren und Fehler bei der Zusammenarbeit zu vermeiden. Rational Team Concert baut auf der Jazz-Technologieplattform auf. Jazz liefert Integrationsmiddleware für Werkzeuge zum kollaborativen, erweiterbarem Applikations-Lifecyle-Management.
Der Vortrag beginnt mit einer Diskussion über die Architektur und Erweiterbarkeit der Jazz-Plattform. Erich wird diskutieren, wie er Java EE, Datenbanken, OSGi und Eclipse braucht, um die Plattform zu implementieren. Dann wird er darüber sprechen, wie Rational Team Concert Jazz braucht, um typische Schwierikeiten der Entwicklung zu beheben. Der Vortrag schliesst mit einer Zusammenfassung von Neuigkeiten des Jazz-Projektes.


Zürich   15.05.2008

Spring Security und Spring Webservices:

Zwei Exponate aus dem Spring Ecosystem

SPEAKER: Guido Schmutz   COMPANY: Trivadis AG

KEYWORDS: Technology, Product

Spring Security und Spring Webservices sind zwei wichtige Sub-Projekte, die regelmässig in Spring-Projekten zum Einsatz kommen und Teil des neuen Spring Ecosystem sind. In diesen beiden Vorträgen geht es um eine Einführung in die jeweilige Thematik. Im Teil Spring Webservices wird anhand eines kleinen Beispiels gezeigt, wie Webservices mittels Spring Security geschützt werden können.


Zürich   06.05.2008

Portal Servers

SPEAKER 1: Phillip de Ridder   COMPANY: IBM, Switzerland
SPEAKER 2: Thomas Heute   COMPANY: Red Hat

KEYWORDS: Technology, Tools, Product

Whats new in IBM WebSphere Portal version 6.1.0

In 2008 IBM will release a major milestone version of WebSphere Portal. This session will explore a summary of the new features that are coming, as well as introduce the automation platform WebSphere Portlet Factory. Improvements in the new release are designed to help customers achieve faster time to value, with enhancements that make the product easier to install, configure and deploy. We will also take a look at new Web 2.0 features designed to enhance the user experience, as well as new integration techniques and tools that make Websphere Portal the face of SOA.


Zürich   16.04.2008

Security Patterns


SPEAKER: Peter Sommerlad   COMPANY: HSR Hochschule fur Technik Rapperswil


According to security guru Bruce Schneier, security is all about trade-offs you make with respect to your always limited resources. Today, security is often a problem either when designing a system or-in the worst case-as an after-thought. Only a few experts have knowledge to design good security and we can safely assume that there is no security expert in most development teams. Before Design Patterns OO-design was a similar black art only performed well by experts. We expect Security Patterns to provide such leverage for designing secure systems, because they make discussions easier with the common names for concepts, make security design decisions more conciously, and because they tell the truth about their trade-offs. This talk introduces security patterns as given in the book Security Patterns - Integrating Security and Systems Engineering:


Zürich   27.03.2008


Java Application Platform

SPEAKER: Robert Bennek   COMPANY: Credit Suisse

KEYWORDS: Technology

The Java Application Platform (JAP) is the CREDIT SUIssE solution to the most demanding IT infrastructure challenge: How can we deliver more infrastructure, faster, with better quality and reduced cost? The answer is basically the same like in all other industries: Increase automation. The prerequisite for effective automation is standardization. This presentation describes the key elements of our application platform concept, which reduced the infrastructure and development costs for Java applications by 30%, while at the same time improved quality and speed of delivery significantly.


Zürich   10.03.2008

Oracle Coherence:

An engineer's introduction

SPEAKER: Brian Oliver   COMPANY: Oracle Fusion Middleware - EMEA Product Management

KEYWORDS: Product, Tools, Technology

In this talk Brian will introduce Oracle Coherence from a technical perspective - including technical demonstrations and live code examples - and how it has been used to solve some of the hardest scalability business challenges in Java. He'll further discuss the role of Data Grids in large scale architectures and their impact on J2EE.


Zürich   26.02.2008

How Google Scales to Million of Users

Talk and Network-Party

SPEAKER: Marcus Boerger   COMPANY: Google

Google services like search, Google Maps, Gmail are used by millions of users. At Google, programmers have access to a number of highly scalable backend services that are by design fundamentally different to what "the rest of the world" uses. This talk will shed some light on the most well-known 3 of these services: GFS, Bigtable and MapReduce. There will be an opportunity for questions after the talk.


Zürich   08.02.2008

Model-Driven Development:

It's Essence and Opportunities

SPEAKER: Bran Selic   COMPANY: President, Malina Software Corp. and SCS, Carleton University

KEYWORDS: Concept, Methods, Lessons learned

Besides being a buzzword and yet another promised silver bullet, model-driven development (MDD) is an approach to software development in which models of software play a fundamental role. In this talk, we first identify some key issues that plague modern software development and trace them to problems inherent in some of the most widely-used programming technologies. This is followed by a short overview of the basic characteristics of MDD and the potential benefits that it can bring. The results achieved in applying MDD to industrial practice are reviewed next. Finally, we examine the impediments towards a broader adoption of MDD and what can be done to overcome them.


Zürich   31.01.2008

Bridging the Enterprise Architecture

to IT Architecture Gap

SPEAKER: Jog Raj   COMPANY: Telelogic AB

KEYWORDS: Concept, Methods, Tools, Product

The capability to deliver Information Technology systems has over the years matured with experience and the establishment of many international standards.


Zürich   23.01.2008

No More Hops

Towards a linearly scalable application infrastructure

SPEAKER: Achim Goetz   COMPANY: Gigaspaces

KEYWORDS: Technology, Concept, Tools

Tier-based architectures are essentially database-based and this causes scalability issues both directly and indirectly.



Supporting members







JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.

JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.




Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich

© Java User Group Switzerland