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Patrick Baumgartner is a passionate Software Crafter, trainer and coach for 42talents. His calling is to improve the working environment in IT. He believes that this work is not just about code but about people.

Also, he is actively involved in the software community by organizing events and promoting topics such as Agile Software Development, Software Craft and Testing, graph and NoSQL databases as well as anything evolving around Java EE and Spring

Upcoming 25.06.2024 18:15h (iCal)

Lean Spring Boot Applications for the Cloud

ROOM: PH Zürich, Lagerstrasse 2, 8090 Zürich, Building LAC, Room E071, Travel instructions
KEYWORDS: Tools, Open Source, Technology

AGENDA:18:15-19:30h: Talk incl. Q/A
After a (hopefully) interesting talk, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with the speaker and professional colleagues over beer, wine and rich finger foods.

SPEAKER: Patrick Baumgartner   COMPANY: 42talents

With the starters, Spring-Boot offers a functionality that allows you to set up a new software project with little effort and start programming right away. You don’t have to worry about the dependencies, since the “right” ones are already preconfigured. But how can you, for example, optimize the start-up times and reduce the memory footprint and thus better prepare the application for the cloud?

In this talk, we will go into Spring-Boot features like Spring AOT, classpath exclusions, lazy spring beans, actuator, and more. In addition, we’re also looking at switching to a different JVM and other tools. All state-of-the-art technology, of course.

Let’s make Spring Boot great again!

LEVEL OF TALK: Intermediate
LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en

Patrick Baumgartner is a passionate Software Crafter, trainer and coach for 42talents. His calling is to improve the working environment in IT. He believes that this work is not just about code but about people.

Also, he is actively involved in the software community by organizing events and promoting topics such as Agile Software Development, Software Craft and Testing, graph and NoSQL databases as well as anything evolving around Java EE and Spring

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The presented topic is new to the audience or only little and superficial experience exists. This talk will mainly cover basic aspects of the topic and not go into much detail.

The presented topic is known to the audience, serious practical experience is expected. This talk might cover some basic aspects of the topic, but will as well go into depth and details.

The presented topic is well-known to the audience, serious practical experience and a deep understanding are required. This talk will not cover basics of the topic, but will go into depth, might discuss details, compare different approaches, and so on.

The topic presented is of interest to all levels and does not require any special prior knowledge.


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JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.

JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.




Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich

© Java User Group Switzerland