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Alex Bolboaca

Being deeply passionate about technology creation I am a continuous learner in the field. Between reading, trying out technologies and multiple programming languages, presenting and participating to developer communities and conferences, I have learned enough to write two books and teach hundreds of developers.

I love working with smart people who want to get better at what they do, whether it’s team work, communication, management or technical skill.

CTO at MozaicLabs, Trainer & Mentor at Mozaic Works

Twitter: @alexboly


Good Habits for Developers


AGENDA:17:00 - 18:30h: Talk incl. Q&A, afterwards voluntary online video chatting with each other and the speaker

SPEAKER: Alex Bolboaca   COMPANY: Mozaic Works
RECORDING: jug.ch YouTube-Channel

The human brain is habit-driven. We know from recent research that habits are quasi-impossible to break; they can only be replaced by other habits. We also know that you are driven by habits for most of the time during the day, often without even noticing. Some of these habits are not helpful or even harmful. Many programmers I know only grow to 10% of their potential due to their bad habits.

This knowledge raises some important issues for developers who wish to become better, to adopt new practices, to be more effective, to grow in their careers, to make better technical decisions. Therefore, it should be an interesting topic for software crafters.

Let’s discuss therefore about programming habits:

  • learn about good and not-so-good habits
  • how to replace some of the bad habits with good ones
  • how taking responsibility will help you grow
  • finally, how deliberate practice, getting out of your comfort zone, and social programming can help you improve

This talk is organized and brought to you in collaboration with our friends from the Software Crafts Romandie Meetup Group.

Due to the current situation with Covid-19, we are not currently holding many events on site. This event will be broadcast live on the Internet. You do not need to install any software or plugins, everything runs in your web browser. Registered participants will receive a link to the webinar by e-mail shortly before the event.

LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en

Alex Bolboaca

Being deeply passionate about technology creation I am a continuous learner in the field. Between reading, trying out technologies and multiple programming languages, presenting and participating to developer communities and conferences, I have learned enough to write two books and teach hundreds of developers.

I love working with smart people who want to get better at what they do, whether it’s team work, communication, management or technical skill.

CTO at MozaicLabs, Trainer & Mentor at Mozaic Works

Twitter: @alexboly


The presented topic is new to the audience or only little and superficial experience exists. This talk will mainly cover basic aspects of the topic and not go into much detail.

The presented topic is known to the audience, serious practical experience is expected. This talk might cover some basic aspects of the topic, but will as well go into depth and details.

The presented topic is well-known to the audience, serious practical experience and a deep understanding are required. This talk will not cover basics of the topic, but will go into depth, might discuss details, compare different approaches, and so on.

The topic presented is of interest to all levels and does not require any special prior knowledge.


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JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.

JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.




Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich

© Java User Group Switzerland