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Axel Fontaine is the founder and CEO of Boxfuse, the easiest way to deploy JVM and Node.js applications to AWS.

Axel is also the creator and project lead of Flyway, the open-source tool that makes database migration easy.

He is a Continuous Delivery and Immutable Infrastructure expert, a JavaOne Rockstar and a regular speaker at many large international conferences including JavaOne, Devoxx, Jfokus, JavaZone, QCon, JAX, ...

You can find him online at axelfontaine.com and on Twitter as @axelfontaine


Immutable Infrastructure

Rise of the Machine Images


AGENDA:19:00 - 20:15h: Talk incl. Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.

SPEAKER: Axel Fontaine   COMPANY: Boxfuse GmbH
SLIDES: 160405_Immutable_Infrastructure.pdf

The cloud is the new normal and it is time to rethink how we see machines and deployments. We have been piling layer upon layer of complexity for too long. But why should it be this way? It is time to radically simplify all this.

In this talk, we'll throw general-purpose operating systems, snowflake servers and runtime provisioning out the door. Instead you'll see how servers become disposable, how machine images are generated from scratch in seconds and how to achieve perfect environment parity from dev to prod.

This is Immutable Infrastructure. It is a profoundly important change as to how we view and treat our systems. We'll go deep. We'll look at how this affects scaling, logging, sessions, configuration, service discovery and more. We'll also look at how containers and machine images compare and why some things you took for granted may not be necessary anymore.

But beware, neither sacred cows nor kittens will be spared!

LEVEL OF TALK: Intermediate
LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en

Axel Fontaine is the founder and CEO of Boxfuse, the easiest way to deploy JVM and Node.js applications to AWS.

Axel is also the creator and project lead of Flyway, the open-source tool that makes database migration easy.

He is a Continuous Delivery and Immutable Infrastructure expert, a JavaOne Rockstar and a regular speaker at many large international conferences including JavaOne, Devoxx, Jfokus, JavaZone, QCon, JAX, ...

You can find him online at axelfontaine.com and on Twitter as @axelfontaine


The presented topic is new to the audience or only little and superficial experience exists. This talk will mainly cover basic aspects of the topic and not go into much detail.

The presented topic is known to the audience, serious practical experience is expected. This talk might cover some basic aspects of the topic, but will as well go into depth and details.

The presented topic is well-known to the audience, serious practical experience and a deep understanding are required. This talk will not cover basics of the topic, but will go into depth, might discuss details, compare different approaches, and so on.

The topic presented is of interest to all levels and does not require any special prior knowledge.


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8000 Zürich

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